If Your Doctor Drops the Ball on Hope--Part II

How can knowledge of Healthy Survivorship help you find healing hope if you feel hopeless after a doctor’s visit? We’ll start by rewriting Amy’s story that I shared in my September 24th post.

When Dr. Lee said, “there is no cure,” Amy could have automatically added the word that I wish everyone automatically added to that phrase: “Yet!” While there may not be a cure available for you today, new treatments are coming.

When Dr. Lee said, “There isn’t even any treatment,” Amy could have said to herself, “There are surely treatments to help me function better and feel better.” Indeed, involving specialists and allied health professionals may help optimize your quality of life, whatever the disease or prognosis. You can ask to consult palliative care, as discussed in this patient handout on the potential benefits.

When Dr. Lee said, “The pain will never improve,” Amy could have thought in response, “You cannot possibly know that until we’ve done everything possible to address the pain. Even then, nobody can predict the future.”

As a Healthy Survivor, remember that hope arises within. Nobody can take away your hope, unless you let them. If a doctor’s words make you feel hopeless, consult with professionals to help you assess whether it’s time to let go of certain hopes…and which hopes can best help you now. While there’s life, there’s hope.

DOCTORS CAN’T TAKE AWAY HOPE Illustration by Emma Mathes (Healing Hope p.30)

DOCTORS CAN’T TAKE AWAY HOPE Illustration by Emma Mathes
(Healing Hope p.30)

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